Lead and Sales funnel mini sites

Spark Sites are one of the key elements in Ignite™. You can create a sales funnel site with just a few clicks using one of the from beautiful templates. These landing pages and have cusomized forms to capture leads and offer your visitors opportunity to get more information. Show off new products give out news and more!

What is a SparkSite™?

A SparkSite™ landing page is a standalone web page that is designed to capture the attention of potential customers and encourage them to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading an e-book, or making a purchase.

SparkSites™ are typically designed to be highly targeted and focused on a specific marketing goal or campaign, with a clear and compelling call to action (CTA). The design of the landing page is intended to be clean and simple, with a clear message that resonates with the target audience. Landing pages often include images, videos, and other visual elements to help grab the attention of visitors.

The purpose of a SparkSite™ is to convert visitors into leads or customers by providing them with a specific offer, benefit, or solution to their problem. To achieve this goal, SparkSites™ often feature a lead capture form where visitors can provide their contact information in exchange for the offer or benefit being promoted. This captured information is then fed into the Ignite™ platform where you can use it to begins the sales and marketing process.

SparkSites™ can be used in a variety of different contexts, such as email marketing, social media advertising, search engine marketing, or other online marketing channels. By creating highly-targeted landing pages that are optimized for specific marketing campaigns or goals (More information requests, Recruiting, Orders, Product Announcements, etc.), businesses can increase their conversion rates, generate more leads, and grow their revenue.

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How Important a SparkSite™ is to you

A SparkSite™ is a sales funnel and lead generation website and a sales funnel is a visual metaphor for the path taken by a potential customer as they move towards becoming a customer. Frequently used by sales and marketing organizations, the sales funnel helps companies understand and visualize their sales process and measure overall conversion success between each step of the funnel.

A sales funnel is shaped like an inverted pyramid, similar to real-world funnels, to which the metaphor alludes. The width of each part of the funnel reflects the audience size, with the top of the funnel being the widest and the bottom being the smallest.

At the top of the funnel are website visitors and the bottom of the funnel is usually a sale or conversion event. The goal of marketing sales in this model is to do lead generation for the sales person or team by getting as many prospects in at the top of the funnel and convert them into customers. So having a way to easily use or create one shows how important a SparkSite™ or sites can be.

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How to use your Sales Funnel sites

Pick a template from Ignites™ SparkSite™ Library, change the text to suit you and publish it, publish several! SparkSites™ even have their own dashboard screen so you can enable and disable them edit them and see all the important details at a glance. Do some A/B testing to fine tune your approaches for the WIN!

Don't want a template? Well, you can even create a site in the custom builder so you can move things around, change text and images and try new things! Then watch the numbers and make changes.

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