Import & Export
Getting your leads into Ignite is easy!

Simply upload your Excel or CSV contact file and you can map the fields in your file to the fields in Ignite. Need an example file? We've got you covered! You can choose from Excel or CSV. Click the download button to get a sample file you can fill in with your own data.

Importing Leads

You may already have leads and need in the Ignite™ system. This is very easy to do even with a large batch of leads. You simply go to the Import tool and select or drag your Excel or CSV file for import. If you need a template file to work with you can download one on the tools link area.

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Mapping Imported Leads

Ignite also has a Data Mapping tool to help you sync your import to the proper structure. This makes things flow in a much easier way when importing your data fields.

Once you get the leads into the system you can get busy setting up an automated campaign and even add several custom data fields or notes to the leads for example: birthdays and other important items.

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Exporting Leads

Any leads you import or capture via Ignite can also be exported in the same formats. You may have added some custom fields to the leads details and this will also be in the data export so you don't have to worry.

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